Sweatshirt made of light knitted tracksuit. Loose cut slightly lowered shoulders, sleeve and bottom with
Essential information
Seller - company name
Seller - tax ID
Seller - description
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Contact information
Seller - postcode
Seller - city name
Seller - country
Delivery cost
The cost of delivery will be calculated and sent to you for your confirmation, after you make an initial order. The order is not confirmed (so it is not binding) until you confirm the cost of delivery. You might not accept the delivery cost and therefore the order will be cancelled without any cost to you. The Seller needs your address (from the initial order) to calculate the delivery cost. The seller will contact you in the Oziway Messenger with details.
Delivery time
7 (days)
The payment for this offer will need to be made directly to the Seller (the details regarding the payment wil be provided by the Seller using the Messages in the Dashboard) Online Payment option not available?
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